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| Помогите с переводом, пожалуйста!!!!

Огромная просьба!Переведите пожалуйста:))))))))

So here is what you would need:
Time: 1.5-2hr (excluding drying time).
15-20 grams of Fingering or Sport weight yarn.
Make sure to choose something delectable, tiny bit of cashmere, royal alpaca, merino or qiviut. Try the yarn on your neckline area first to determine the itchiness level as it's highly sensitive area. So you don't end up ripping necklace off after 10 minutes of wearing it. Finished/braided necklace measures approx. 22".

Needle: US 4 (3.5 mm)
Crochet hook C or D.

Gauge: 6 sts and 7-8 rows in 1" over Stockinette stitch swatch

Cabled Braids are made up by knitting 2 strips.

1st strip:

Using needle and yarn CO 9 sts.
*Start by purling the 1st row. Work a total 7 rows straight in St st. On next row (RS): K4, yo, k2tog, k3.*
Repeat from * for a total of 16 times. Then work 15 rows in pattern. BO on the next row.

2nd strip:

Using needle and yarn CO 9 sts.
Start by purling the 1st row. Work a total of 15 rows straight in St st. *On next row (RS): K4, yo, k2tog, k3. Work for 7 rows in pattern.*
Repeat from * for a total of 16 times. On the next row BO all sts.

If you wish to make strips longer - repeat the sequence from *.

Wash your strips, make sure to use wool wash to help and fluff those fibers. Or steam the strips if you don't have time.

Then follow the photo guide to braid your necklace or bracelet or headband.

Insert the longer end of a strip into the first yarn over of the shorter end strip.

Then insert the top strip into the yarn over of the strip below (the first yo of the longer end strip).

Then continue inserting the top strip (they will alternate) into the next yarn over, make sure not to miss any and tug on them evenly.

The view from down under.

Continue braiding and once finished you will get two different textures in the same braid. Neat!

Using crochet hook take the ends of yarn and crochet a chain to make a loop to work as a buttonhole. I have flattened the edges of the strips and joined them together just by whip stitching.

I have had these gorgeous ceramic buttons from Jenny Potter for a while and the print on them matches the texture perfectly! Just sew on the button on the other end and weave in all ends.

There are multiple ways of wearing this little accessory. 22" length was perfect to wear around the head as a headband.. almost makes me think of those very 50ies Prada cabled hair treatments, but I don't have hair long enough to demonstrate it.

Or a nifty bracelet ..

| Re: Миньен))

molodenkay, а что это такое вообще? ⁉ Картинку хоть можно? 😏


пароль в моем профиле под род занятий. Вы извините я только осваиваюсь на форуме 😊

ничего страшного,сама такая же 😂 ..попробую перевести.

Vayana, был, аж 2 раза.

